Her name is Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons. She is a Cuban artist and has a show up at the Glass Curtain Gallery entitled
Life Has Not Even Begun. Magdalena's work explores the fluidity of identity, a subject, which many of you know, I am very involved with. I was approached by Neysa Paige Leiberman to interview the artist. I discovered a very necessary inspirational person in Magdalena in that short interview. I was starting my last semester of undergrad and was questioning alt of my interest with both ,my ractice and decision making. Magdalena's work and person in overall was a breath of fresh air which I needed so much at that moment. I want to thank Neysa, Amy Mooney, and Joan Giroux fo rthe opportunity to meet and interview Magadalena. I would however like to thank Magdalena herself for not only givnig me the pleassure of talking to her but giving me a boost in energy and determination. The link below is the article I wrote in correspondence to the interview. Please check it out.
Interview With Maria Magdalena Campos-PonceEmanuel Aguilar