Hello , The Happy Collaborationist is hosting yet another great show on the 22nd of this month. This time around our happy girls in blue hair present the Box Show. Ms Anna Trier in a recent discussion stated she is very excited with this show and to expect wonderful work and an exciting night. Below is the curatorial statement for the show and also all the info. Hope to see everyone there.
Curatorial Statement:
The cube is a Platonic solid, also called the regular hexahedron. The term is derived from Plato's notion of a regular solid out of four classical elements: earth, air, water and fire. The metaphorical conception of an infinite line connecting nature is extremely beautiful; it is the celebratory painting of the beginning of human logic.
A box functions as a tabla rasa by taking the form as a symbolic and physical container to absorb and/or mimic the containing object. Its utopic and minimal simplicity is also open to intricate physical and emotional complexity and can create infinite amount of elaborate patterns and structures. It is the ultimate
metaphor and it is ubiquitous. However, its existence is so modest and tranquil that we often do not recognize living within a box. It is a child of mother nature and something that we continue to struggle with; we are constantly trying to be "outside the box." Before this perilous revolution, we must understand and appreciate its symbiotic nature with humans.
Dain Oh
| Saturday, November 22, 2008 |
| 7:00pm - 11:00pm |
| The Happy Collaborationists Gallery Space |
| 1254 N. Noble |
| Chicago, IL |
Emanuel Aguilar