So I'm posting this on very short notice. Tomorrow or today (Sunday), at 2pm Kerry James Marshall, Darby English (U. of Chicago), Kym Pinder (SAIC) and Greg Foster Rice (Columbia College) will be having a discussion at University of Chicago's Kent Hall in conjunction with the Renaissance Society's exhibition “Black Is, Black Ain't”. This exhibition brings into question many things that I find intriguing and worth exploring with my work. the over popular approach to the irreverence of racial identity in today's culture is a very interesting twist in the way race is looked at in our times. Is race even important anymore, In a way the hybrid I often speak about, the idea that as our society here in the US progresses the blurred lines of cultural and racial segregation begin to go from blurry to non existent. That in todays time we are looking at exploring a new form of identity, a hybrid for say, one which is yet to be defined but is causing all sorts of new advancements in what it means to be American or better yet what it means to be an individual in all the sense of the meaning of the word. Yet with all this said it is interesting to note that the more "a like" we all become the more "different" w e tend to pull towards becoming. It is in fact that race is a construct of society yet it holds such a dominance over distribution of powers, class, and importance in society and life itself. I for one believe in the idea that as our society moves forward the question of race means less and less what it meant to those before us. This in saying that race is a thing thought and therefore its a thing that can be "unthought" in a sense. We see this in our modern day in our children. The blurring of lines is most present in children whom have yet to be tainted by the politics of society. Perhaps in these children will finally begin to move forward one becoming less aware of what makes us all different and relax with the knowledge of knowing that we are all more alike and just enough of not the same. I will be at this talk. I was just in New York at Kerry James Marshall's opening at Jack Shainman Gallery, and it was a great show. Mr. Marshall is a very talented and intelligent man but he is also a very nice and down to earth guy. If you can check out the discussion at U of C tomorrow. Ill be there.
I've attached some photos of Kerry James Marshall's work and a piece by Carl Pope.
Emanuel Aguilar