Saturday, May 10, 2008

Seen on Scene: A and D Derbi / Focus on Andrea

Ok so for this years A & D derby Andrea ....I cant recall her last name.......raced a dreamsicle and it was amazing. I decided to dedicate this post solely on her and her little Popsicle that could. She once gave me a talk on modesty...well I've decided to be very immodest for her and show her wonderful orange dreamsicle mobile off. She got 4th place but 3rd on default or something like that. For some reason her car enjoyed going slower than every other car but hey it got her to the top, uh almost. To Andrea I say ; Kudos! Hey if everyday outside the 623 S. Wabash Building was this fun perhaps we would all be enjoying more dreamsicles and stress less Columbia days! Enjoy the photos.

Emanuel Aguilar

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